Westbalkan conference – Austria and Western balkan countries

More news: Europe is changing continuously. Austria invited the Western Balkan countries to a conference. Germany and Greece are not invited, same for EU: no EU representatives invited.

The article claims that the EU says that the recent daily upper limit of 80 requests for asylum in Austria is not in line with the law.
Furthermore it states that German politicians criticized the decision of Austria to let 3,200 people cross Austria to go to Germany each day as „by far too high“. Austrian chancellor Faymann asked Germany to choose a limit, if Germany would like to have only 1,000 newcomers each day, Austria would only let 1,000 people pass.

This BR page contains two maps which show the possible routes along Balkan and alternative routes e.g. via Italy.

There is also an interesting 15 min video on the webpage, a report along the route from North to South, Vienna, Spielfeld, and so on down to Idomeni /Greece.

BR: Westbalkankonferenz: Kritik an Österreichs Alleingang
