CDU Bundesparteitag 2016 and their „Leitantrag“ also about migration

News from Germany: Yesterday and today, the CDU has their „Bundesparteitag“. Yesterday Angela Merkel gave a 80 minute speech and was re-elected as CDU leader by her party CDU with 89.5% (compared to 97% in 2012).

In her speech, Merkel said among other things, three things related to the refugee crisis:
– “We have said again and again, a situation like the late summer of 2015 cannot and will not be repeated,”
– ‘Not all the 890,000 refugees who came last year can or will stay,’
-“The full veil must be banned, wherever legally possible. Showing your face is part of our way of life,”

„Nun sagt Merkel nicht nur, dass sich eine Situation wie im Spätsommer 2015 nicht wiederholen dürfe und dass Asylbewerber ohne Bleibeperspektive das Land wieder verlassen müssten. Jetzt sagt sie auch: Vollverschleierung sollte in Deutschland verboten sein, wo immer es geht. “

For today, the CDU will vote about their „Leitantrag“. The Leitantrag also contains something regarding refugees and migrants. According to this, transit zones close to the borders would be possible, people rescued on boats in the mediterranean should not be transported to Italy anylonger, but back to North Africa (for example into regional camps). Border controls of the German borders should still stay in place if necessary.
The Leitantrag also calls for stricter implementation of returning rejected asylum seekers. Asylum seekers from countries which are considered to be safe countries will have to stay in the first camp in Germany, won’t be distributed to the cities, and will only receive a minimum amount of support and no working permit, no integration courses.